
Predictions for Social Media Marketing in 2024

As we look towards 2024, the landscape of social media marketing is poised for some groundbreaking shifts and innovations. Part of our SMO services in Dubai is to research and delve into the potential trends and changes that could shape the way we interact, market, and engage on various social media platforms. Here’s an insightful look at what we might expect:


  • Increased Use of Artificial Intelligence

AI is poised to become a more integral part of social media marketing. This includes everything from improved algorithms for content suggestion and targeting to AI-driven content creation tools. Marketers can expect more sophisticated, data-driven insights and automation in their campaigns, enabling more personalized and effective marketing strategies.

  • Rise of Video Content

Video content, already popular, is likely to dominate social media. Platforms like Facebook might enhance their video features, making it easier for businesses to create and share engaging video content. This could range from short-form videos, similar to TikTok, to longer, more informative content. Marketers should focus on creating visually appealing and engaging videos to capture user attention.

  • Introduction of 3D Avatars

With the growing interest in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), the use of 3D avatars could become a significant trend. These avatars offer a more immersive and interactive way for users to engage on social platforms. For marketers, this means exploring new, creative ways to use 3D avatars for branding and customer engagement.

  • AR Glasses and Passthrough Technology

Facebook’s investment in AR technology, like AR glasses, suggests a future where digital and physical worlds blend more seamlessly. This passthrough technology could offer unique marketing opportunities, such as augmented reality advertisements or virtual try-ons, providing customers with immersive, interactive experiences.

  • Enhanced Messaging Tools for Businesses

As messaging becomes a more popular mode of communication, platforms like Facebook might enhance their messaging tools for businesses. This could include more sophisticated chatbots, enhanced analytics, and new ways to integrate messaging into marketing campaigns. Businesses should be prepared to leverage these tools for customer service, sales, and personalized marketing.


  • Enhanced Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is expected to further integrate into Instagram’s functionality, impacting everything from content discovery to user engagement. AI algorithms could offer more refined content suggestions and improved targeting options for marketers. This means that businesses can anticipate more sophisticated tools for analyzing user behavior, optimizing ad performance, and personalizing content.

  • Greater Emphasis on Video Content

Video content is likely to continue its dominance on social media platforms, including Instagram. This could involve expanding the capabilities of existing features like Reels and IGTV, and possibly introducing new video formats. For marketers, this trend underscores the importance of investing in high-quality, engaging video content that resonates with their audience. Creative storytelling through short and long-form videos can be a key strategy.

  • Evolution of Threads

Threads, Instagram’s messaging app, might see significant evolution. This could involve more seamless integration with the main Instagram app, offering enhanced features like status updates, auto-replies, and more interactive messaging options. For marketers, this evolution presents an opportunity to engage with their audience on a more personal level. Leveraging Threads for marketing campaigns could become a more prominent strategy, especially for businesses focusing on direct communication and building a community around their brand.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Shopping Activations

AR technology is set to revolutionize the shopping experience on Instagram. This could include virtual try-ons, immersive product demos, or interactive ads that allow users to experience products in a more engaging way. Brands can use AR to bridge the gap between online shopping and the tactile experience of physical retail, providing customers with a novel and informative way to interact with their products.

X (formerly known as “Twitter”)

The social media landscape is constantly evolving, and with X (formerly known as “Twitter”) under the leadership of Elon Musk, several significant changes and trends are anticipated for 2024.

  • “Everything App” Concept

Musk’s vision for X involves transforming it into an “everything app,” similar to WeChat in China. This ambitious plan suggests integrating various functionalities like messaging, payments, and possibly e-commerce into a single platform. This evolution could open new avenues for marketers, offering a more integrated approach to reach and engage with audiences. Marketers should prepare for a shift in strategy, focusing on how to leverage these varied features effectively.

  • Revamped Verification Process

With changes to the verification process, there’s potential for a more democratized or altered approach to how users and brands are verified. This could impact how trust and authenticity are perceived on the platform. For marketers, understanding and adapting to these changes will be crucial for maintaining credibility and visibility.

  • Refocus on News

Musk’s emphasis on re-focusing X as a primary news source could reshape how information is disseminated and consumed on the platform. This shift might offer new opportunities for content marketing, especially for brands related to news and information dissemination. Marketers may need to focus more on real-time, news-worthy content to engage with their audience effectively.

  • Sports Integration

The integration of sports content and possibly live streaming of sports events could be a significant area of expansion. This presents an opportunity for sports-related marketing and partnerships, allowing brands to connect with highly engaged sports fan bases through targeted campaigns and interactive content.

  • Creator Payments Backlash

The platform may face challenges with its creator payment models, potentially leading to backlash or controversy. Marketers should monitor these developments closely, as they could impact influencer partnerships and content strategies.

  • Bankruptcy Warning

Speculations about financial challenges or a bankruptcy warning mid-year could create uncertainty around the platform’s future. Marketers should have contingency plans in place and stay agile, ready to adapt their strategies depending on how the situation unfolds.


  • Enhanced IRL (In Real Life) Connections

Pinterest is likely to strengthen its role as a bridge between online inspiration and offline action. This could mean more features that help users to connect with local businesses or events based on their interests. For marketers, this presents an opportunity to target audiences with localized and experiential marketing strategies, encouraging real-world engagement.

  • Advancements in AR Try-On Technology

Augmented Reality (AR) try-on features have gained popularity on Pinterest, allowing users to virtually try on products like makeup or home decor. In 2024, these capabilities could expand to include a wider range of products, offering more immersive and interactive shopping experiences. Marketers should consider how to leverage AR to showcase their products in a more engaging and lifelike manner and enforce lead generation for digital agencies.

  • Rise of AI Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to play a larger role in enhancing user experiences on Pinterest. From personalized recommendation engines to AI-driven content creation tools, these advancements can help marketers in targeting and engaging with their audience more effectively. AI could also aid in analyzing user behavior and trends, providing valuable insights for crafting more effective marketing strategies.

  • Virtual Wardrobe Feature

Building on the idea of AR try-ons, Pinterest might introduce a ‘virtual wardrobe’ feature, allowing users to create and visualize outfits from different pieces. This feature would be particularly appealing for fashion and retail brands, offering new ways to engage with customers by helping them visualize products in a personal and practical context.

  • 3D Object Creation In-Stream

The introduction of in-stream 3D object creation could be a game-changer for Pinterest. This feature would allow users to create and interact with 3D models of products or designs directly on the platform. For marketers, especially in fields like interior design, fashion, and product manufacturing, this means an opportunity to present their products in a highly interactive and engaging format.


  • Shifting AI Focus

LinkedIn is expected to further integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) into various aspects of the platform. This could mean more sophisticated algorithms for job recommendations, content curation, and network building. For marketers, this shift suggests an opportunity to use AI-driven insights to target audiences more effectively and create content that resonates better with professional communities.

  • Emphasis on Virtual Events and Video Streams

The popularity of virtual events and live streams is likely to grow on LinkedIn. This could include professional webinars, virtual conferences, and live video content for brand promotion or thought leadership. Marketers should consider leveraging these formats for enhanced engagement, brand visibility, and thought leadership positioning within their industry.

  • Improved Career Pathway Mapping

LinkedIn might introduce more advanced tools for mapping career pathways, offering users personalized suggestions for professional development and career progression. For businesses, this represents an opportunity to target potential candidates or clients with more precision, offering services, courses, or job openings that align with their career trajectories.

  • Enhanced Candidate Incentive Prompts

We may see the introduction of improved prompts or tools aimed at incentivizing candidates to engage with job postings or company profiles. This development could help businesses in attracting the right talent and enhance their employer branding efforts. As marketing consultants in Dubai, we urge HR professionals to be prepared to integrate these tools into their recruitment strategies.

  • Broader Identity Verification

With a broader implementation of ID verification, LinkedIn’s trustworthiness and security could be enhanced. This move could increase the credibility of profiles, making the platform more attractive for professional networking and business dealings. For marketers, this means engaging with a more verified and professional audience.

  • Linking Creator Tools to Career Incentives

The integration of creator tools with career incentives on LinkedIn is an interesting development to watch. This could involve features that help users showcase their expertise or creative content in ways that directly benefit their professional growth or job search efforts. Marketers and content creators should look to leverage these tools to enhance their professional brand and reach.


  • Expansion of In-Stream Shopping

TikTok is likely to further develop its in-stream shopping capabilities. This feature, which allows users to purchase products directly through the app while watching videos, represents a seamless integration of e-commerce and entertainment. For marketers, this means a more direct path from product discovery to purchase, reducing the steps consumers need to take to buy a product. Brands should focus on creating content that not only engages but also smoothly transitions viewers into making a purchase.

  • Advancements in TikTok’s AI Technology

TikTok’s AI algorithms have been a key component of its success, particularly in content recommendation. In 2024, we can expect these algorithms to become even more sophisticated, offering personalized content to users with greater accuracy. This advancement will provide marketers with an opportunity to reach more targeted audiences based on their interests and behaviors. Brands should invest in understanding how TikTok’s AI works to optimize their content for better visibility and engagement.


  • Expansion of Snapchat+

Snapchat+, the platform’s subscription-based service, is likely to see a more significant push. This service might offer exclusive features, content, or experiences unavailable to free users. For marketers, this could mean access to premium advertising options, advanced analytics, or unique ways to engage with a more dedicated segment of Snapchat’s user base. Brands should consider how they can leverage these premium features to target their campaigns more effectively.

  • Direct Message (DM) Advertising Products

Snapchat might introduce new advertising products focused on direct messaging. This could allow brands to engage with users more personally and directly through sponsored messages or interactive ad formats within DMs. Marketers will need to be mindful of balancing promotional content with maintaining a positive user experience, ensuring that DM ads are relevant and engaging.

  • Augmented Reality (AR) Spectacles Development

Snapchat’s AR Spectacles, already a step forward in wearable AR technology, are expected to advance further. These spectacles could offer more interactive and immersive AR experiences, possibly integrating more seamlessly with Snapchat’s core app features. For marketers, this opens up new possibilities for AR-driven campaigns, where users can interact with brands in an entirely immersive way, blending the digital and physical worlds.

  • Enhanced Bitmoji Character Development

Bitmoji, a popular feature on Snapchat, could see further development, possibly allowing for more personalized and dynamic character creation. This advancement might enable users to create Bitmojis that are even more reflective of their real-life appearances and personalities. For marketers, this presents an opportunity for more personalized advertising, leveraging these customized avatars in creative and engaging ways.

The social media landscape is constantly evolving, making precise predictions challenging. However, these are my educated estimations of the directions various apps might take in 2024, aimed at aiding your future planning. Hire an experienced social media consultancy to assist you in navigating any upcoming changes on social media in 2024: call +971 4 285 3773 or WhatsApp 050 381 3221 Infobahn Consultancy in Dubai.


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